A ripple is something unusual in the pattern of the ocean. If you drop a pebble into an area of water, it'll disrupt the water sending little waves out in all directions. Otherwise the water is completely still. Creating ripples is a common metaphor within the church, along with spreading like a wild fire or planting seeds. Creating ripples is something I aim to do with my life, and this blog. Loving God often creates ripples because often enough our love for him prompts us to do things that don't go with the normal flow of water.
My devotions yesterday was on Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
When I read this verse it reminded me of the game hide and seek. Lets say one of the hiders take off his jacket, hat and shoes and arranges them in the closet, then goes and hides under the bed. A good seeker won't believe the jacket, hat and shoes are the hider. Someone wanting to win the game will be determined to find the hider, opening doors and cupboards, looking in thee darkest and dustiest places in an effort to find the hider. The seeker won't settle for first appearances. In our world, there are all sorts of things cluttering our lives and begging for our attention. We can't just settle for glimpses of God here and there, we have to seek him first and constantly seek him. Then out of our love for him, he'll guide our lives from there. I'm reading a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It's about falling in love with God and stepping away from being a lukewarm Christian. I'll probably write more about that later. Such a great read.
I'll try to write again soon, hope you come back to see more of my ripples as I continue to throw pebbles.